Skill Yang Didapat

Google Data Studio


Data Visualization


Data Driven Marketing




Jadwal kelas: 21 September - 1 Oktober 2024

Introduction to Data Analytics

• Sesi Online • 1 Minggu • Sertifikat Digital
✅ Materi cocok untuk pemula
✅ Disusun oleh praktisi & expert
✅ Ikuti sesi simulasi LIVE
Rp3,300,000 GRATIS!
Daftar Gratis
Anggota komunitas
Data Analytics RevoU

Belajar Langsung dari Expert

Dipandu langsung oleh instruktur yang berpengalaman di bidangnya dari berbagai perusahaan ternama

Data Analyst at Ecommerce Company

7+ Years of Experience

Business Analyst | E-Commerce Specialist at

4+ Years of Experience

Talent Management Lead at Indonesian Aerospace

8+ Years of Experience

IT Data Analytics at FMCG Company

3+ Years of Experience

Lead Product Analytics at HappyFresh

5+ Years of Experience

Pelajari Tools Wajib Buat Data Analyst
Selama 1 Minggu, Gratis!

Kenapa harus berkarir di Data Analytics?


Gaji awal yang tinggi:


Range gaji data analyst entry-level berdasarkan salary survey report.

Tidak perlu gelar atau latar belakang pendidikan

✔️ Tidak harus lulus dari jurusan atau pendidikan tertentu
✔️ Terbuka untuk lulusan SMA/SMK
✔️ Tidak perlu coding/programming

Peluang karir yang besar:

5,760 lowongan

Lowongan data analytics di LinkedIn
Mulai langkah pertamamu untuk berkarir di data analytics dengan mengikuti mini course ini!

Berkarir di Data Analytics bisa jadi apa aja?

Diperoleh dari Salary Survey Report
Data analyst
Rp8.000.000 - Rp15.000.000
Business analyst
Rp5.000.000 - Rp10.000.000
Product analyst
Rp4.000.000 - Rp8.000.000
...dan masih banyak role Analyst lainnya yang bakal dikupas tuntas di mini course!
Yuk cari tahu gimana caranya memulai karir di Data Analytics dengan ikut Mini Course ini!
Setelah membaca benefit di atas, pasti kamu mulai bertanya - tanya tentang:
Aku pemula banget nih, gimana caranya biar bisa jadi data analyst?
Aku nggak punya background data sama sekali, tapi aku mau kerja keras biar bisa jadi data analyst bisa gak?
Bisa nggak ikut kelas gratis dulu? Biar aku bisa tahu ini cocok apa nggak buat aku
Kalau bener itu yang muncul di kepala kamu, berarti kamu harus ikutan
Mini Course Data Analytics RevoU!

Kelas 1 minggu, gratis, dan bahas materi untuk pemula!

Kursus Gratis
2 Minggu
Data Analytics Terlengkap

Sudah diikuti oleh 200.000+ peserta di Indonesia
LIVE Session with Career Coach untuk tips & trik menyusun CV & interview
Study case + Discussion yang bisa dijadikan portfolio
Alumni sharing untuk lebih memahami karier di bidang Data Analytics
Tes Sertifikasi Gratis untuk mendapatkan Certificate of Completion

Praktek langsung dengan
LIVE Simulation bersama Expert

Praktek tools yang digunakan oleh seorang Data Analyst
Step-step detail cara mengerjakan studi kasus dengan tools
Diskusi dan tanya jawab secara LIVE cara mengerjakan studi kasus Data Analytics

Agenda dan Materi

Selama 1 minggu, kamu akan belajar dari para ahlinya data analytics dengan materi yang cocok untuk pemula dan tanpa background data
Hari Ke-1

Introduction to Data Analytics

Senin, 10 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to RevoU and co-founder
Data Analytics vs Data Science vs Business Intelligence
Starting point to learn the needed skills
Ega Adi Surya
VP of Operations at RevoU
Vanessa Geraldine
Head of New Program at RevoU, ex-Gojek, ex-Amazon Web Services
Pita Rini Fajrian
Sr Admission Counselor at RevoU
Hari Ke-2
Learning with RevoU

Data Analytics in Business

Selasa, 11 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Data analytics implementation in business
Data analytics in different parts of the business
Steps to analyze data & showing insights
Vanessa Geraldine
Head of New Program at RevoU, ex-Gojek, ex-Amazon Web Services
Hari Ke-3
Practical Simulation:

Python and Google Data Studio for Data Analyst: From Zero to Hero

Rabu, 12 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Python Introduction
Data Cleaning in Python
EDA in Python
Data Visualization in Python
Python with AI
Muhammad Azmi Fansuri
Data Analyst at Ecommerce Company
Hari Ke-4
Practical Simulation:

Python and Google Data Studio for Data Analyst: From Zero to Hero

Kamis, 13 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Google Data Studio Introduction
Data Visualization in Google Data Studio
Muhammad Azmi Fansuri
Data Analyst at Ecommerce Company
Google Data Studio
Hari Ke-5
Career Session + Alumni Sharing Session

How to Prepare Your Data Analytics Career + How Data Analytics Changes My Life

Jumat, 14 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Alumni Sharing Session
Challenges and Benefits as Data Analyst
Career Tips
QnA Session
Inna Nur Dhika
Business Analyst | E-Commerce Specialist at
Annisa Indah Maharani
IT Data Analytics at FMCG Company
Hari Ke-6
Career Session:

Job Seeking 101 session - CV Review

Selasa, 18 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to Craft Your Curriculum Vitae?
CV Review
Tips & Tricks for CV
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Zelina Venesia
Talent Management Lead at Indonesian Aerospace
Hari Ke-7

Job Seeking 101 session - Interview Tips

Rabu, 19 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
A guide to introduce yourself in interview
LIVE Competition: Self introduction in interview
Tips & Tricks self introduction in an interview session
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Rizki Ramadhana, M.Sc.
CPC (Certified Professional Coach)
Hari Ke-8

Case Study Review Session

Kamis, 20 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Case Study Presentation
Case Study Review Session by Team Lead
Best Practice Tips on How to Solve the Case Study
QnA Session with Team Lead
Inna Nur Dhika
Business Analyst | E-Commerce Specialist at
Hari Ke-9
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Bring Analytics Down to Earth

Jumat, 21 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to build an easy-to-digest story from data
DILO: Data Analyst
Analytics Expectations
Tell your (data) story
Manda Marcella
Lead Product Analytics at HappyFresh
Hari Ke-1

Introduction to Data Analytics

Senin, 10 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Introduction to RevoU and co-founder
Data Analytics vs Data Science vs Business Intelligence
Starting point to learn the needed skills
Ega Adi Surya
VP of Operations at RevoU
Vanessa Geraldine
Head of New Program at RevoU, ex-Gojek, ex-Amazon Web Services
Pita Rini Fajrian
Sr Admission Counselor at RevoU
Hari Ke-2
Learning with RevoU

Data Analytics in Business

Selasa, 11 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Data analytics implementation in business
Data analytics in different parts of the business
Steps to analyze data & showing insights
Vanessa Geraldine
Head of New Program at RevoU, ex-Gojek, ex-Amazon Web Services
Hari Ke-3
Practical Simulation:

Python and Google Data Studio for Data Analyst: From Zero to Hero

Rabu, 12 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Python Introduction
Data Cleaning in Python
EDA in Python
Data Visualization in Python
Python with AI
Muhammad Azmi Fansuri
Data Analyst at Ecommerce Company
Hari Ke-4
Practical Simulation:

Python and Google Data Studio for Data Analyst: From Zero to Hero

Kamis, 13 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Google Data Studio Introduction
Data Visualization in Google Data Studio
Muhammad Azmi Fansuri
Data Analyst at Ecommerce Company
Google Data Studio
Hari Ke-5
Career Session + Alumni Sharing Session

How to Prepare Your Data Analytics Career + How Data Analytics Changes My Life

Jumat, 14 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Alumni Sharing Session
Challenges and Benefits as Data Analyst
Career Tips
QnA Session
Inna Nur Dhika
Business Analyst | E-Commerce Specialist at
Annisa Indah Maharani
IT Data Analytics at FMCG Company
Hari Ke-6
Career Session:

Job Seeking 101 session - CV Review

Selasa, 18 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to Craft Your Curriculum Vitae?
CV Review
Tips & Tricks for CV
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Zelina Venesia
Talent Management Lead at Indonesian Aerospace
Hari Ke-7

Job Seeking 101 session - Interview Tips

Rabu, 19 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
A guide to introduce yourself in interview
LIVE Competition: Self introduction in interview
Tips & Tricks self introduction in an interview session
Live Q&A Session with Career Coach
Rizki Ramadhana, M.Sc.
CPC (Certified Professional Coach)
Hari Ke-8

Case Study Review Session

Kamis, 20 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Case Study Presentation
Case Study Review Session by Team Lead
Best Practice Tips on How to Solve the Case Study
QnA Session with Team Lead
Inna Nur Dhika
Business Analyst | E-Commerce Specialist at
Hari Ke-9
Masterclass with Industry Leaders:

Bring Analytics Down to Earth

Jumat, 21 Juni 2024
19.00 - 21.00 WIB
How to build an easy-to-digest story from data
DILO: Data Analyst
Analytics Expectations
Tell your (data) story
Manda Marcella
Lead Product Analytics at HappyFresh

Gabung dan Networking dengan 200.000+ Data Analytics Enthusiast

Komunitas aktif dengan diskusi insightful
Dapatkan insight baru mengenai data analytics melalui sesi diskusi rutin bersama expert
Aktivitas dan games seru bersama member komunitas
Info lowongan kerja dari sesama alumni peserta mini course
Klik gambar di bawah untuk melihat diskusi komunitas Data Analytics RevoU
Dapatkan Certificate of Completion
Bikin profil LinkedIn-mu lebih keren dengan sertifikat digital yang bisa kamu pajang. Setelah mengikuti materi dan mengerjakan tugas, kamu akan memperoleh Certificate of Completion dari RevoU, artinya kamu telah:
Mengikuti kelas dengan disiplin
Memahami fundamental dari Data Analytics
Menyelesaikan tugas praktek Data Analytics dengan baik
Sertifikat Digital
Kelas Full Online
Batch selanjutnya: 10 - 21 Juni 2024

Tiap Senin - Jumat | 19.00 - 21.00 WIB
Kuota terbatas, buruan daftar sekarang!
80% Kuota pendaftaran sudah terisi